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India: Trade level coated flat steel prices remain range-bound w-o-w

Finish Flat
21 Dec 2023, 18:44 IST
Steel Mint Intel

The recent weekly assessment for the coated finished flat products remained range-bound. SteelMint's assessment for GP (0.8mm, 120gsm) continued to hover around INR 67,000-68,500/t, while those of PPGI (0.5mm, 90gsm) at INR 77,500-79,000/t as on 21 Dec'23. Buying interest in the traders' market lacked lustre, whereas mills are focused on business-to-customer sales (B2C), hinted distributor sources. Prices are on an exy-Mumbai basis, excluding GST at 18%.

21 Dec 2023, 18:44 IST
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