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USA : Ferrous Scrap Exports Climb 35% M-o-M in Apr'17


Melting Scrap
435 Reads
12 Jun 2017, 12:50 IST
USA : Ferrous Scrap Exports Climb 35% M-o-M in Apr'17

World's largest exporter of ferrous scrap - United States has witnessed 35% M-o-M growth in Apr'17 export volumes. USA exported 1.15 MnT in Apr'17 against 0.85 MnT in Mar'17.

During Jan-Apr'17, USA ferrous scrap exports recorded at 4.17 MnT compared to 3.32 MnT in the same time period last year. USA exported 12.58 MnT ferrous scrap in CY16.

USA scrap USA : Ferrous Scrap Exports Climb 35% M o M in Apr'17

Turkey remains the largest importer of USA ferrous scrap - Turkey imported 0.31 MnT ferrous scrap from USA in Apr'17 followed by Mexico and Taiwan at 0.12 MnT respectively. Other major importers were Vietnam, China and Canada.

USA countrywise scrap USA : Ferrous Scrap Exports Climb 35% M o M in Apr'17

USA Ferrous Scrap Import hit seven year high in Apr'17

USA is also amongst the top 5 major scrap importing countries. As per reports, USA scrap imports have increased to seven year high in May'17.

Increased demand for scrap from electric arc furnaces coupled with stronger US Dollar supported ferrous scrap imports to USA.

According to customs data maintained with SteelMint, USA imported 0.49 MnT ferrous scrap in Apr'17 compared to 0.4 MnT in Mar'17. Canada remained the largest supplier at 0.29 MnT followed by Netherlands (0.07 MnT ) and United Kingdom (0.06 MnT).

In first four months of CY17 (i.e. Jan-Apr'17) USA imported 1.57 MnT ferrous scrap against 1.12 MnT in the same period last year.

12 Jun 2017, 12:50 IST



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