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U.S. further Sets Final Duties on Line Pipes Import from Four Countries along with India and China


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22 Feb 2019, 14:11 IST
U.S. further Sets Final Duties on Line Pipes Import from Four Countries along with India and China

In the month of August 2018, U.S. had imposed a hefty preliminary anti-dumping duty (ADD) on large diameter welded pipes imported from India, China and four other countries including Canada, Greece, South Korea, and Turkey in a move to protect the domestic steel sector and lower its trade deficit.

Later on in December last year, the U.S. finalized the anti-dumping duties of 132.63% on line pipe imports from China and 50.55% on imports of these products from India. The U.S. also set a final subsidy rate of 541.15% on line pipe imports from India.

The revised dumping margins

Now as per the latest updates, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) on Thursday issued its final determinations in the antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations on imports of large diameter welded pipe from other four countries including Canada, Greece, South Korea and Turkey, with the final duty rates differing from the preliminary rates set in August 2018.

While the final dumping margin in the case of Canada and South Korea has been lowered down against preliminary rates, the same has been increased in case of Greece and Turkey.
The final dumping margins in case of Canada are now 12.32% against a preliminary rate of 24.38%, in case of South Korea it is 7.03%-20.39% against 14.97-22.21% previously. Line pipe imports from Greece received a final dumping rate of 9.96%, up from an adjusted preliminary rate of 7.45% while imports from Turkey has been set at 4.55%-5.05%, which compares with preliminary rates of 3.45%-5.29%.

U.S. International Trade Commission's call will be final

U.S. DoC launched its investigation in February 2018 on behalf of US-based line pipe makers American Cast Iron Pipe, Berg Steel, Dura-Bond, Skyline Steel and Stupp Corp.

The International Trade Commission -- which preliminarily determined that the U.S. market has been injured by imports of these products in March 2018 is scheduled to make its final injury determination 5 Apr'19. If the ITC makes affirmative final injury determinations, U.S. DoC will issue AD and CVD orders. If the ITC makes negative final determinations of injury, the investigations will be terminated and no orders will be issued.

22 Feb 2019, 14:11 IST



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