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Japan: Ferro Chrome Imports inched up in CY'18


Ferro Chrome
1170 Reads
31 Jan 2019, 16:14 IST
Japan: Ferro Chrome Imports inched up in CY'18

As per the Customs data, Ferro Chrome imports in Japan inched up by 8.47% from 767,513 MT to 832,519MT. However in CY'18, the imports were highest in April with 100,489MT imports.

South Africa and Kazakhstan being the two major exporters of Ferro Chrome for Japan hiked up their exports in CY 2018 by 15.83% and 1.70% respectively. However, in Dec'18 the imports were fallen by 34.87% and 32.05% the two countries.

Imports were decreased in the month of December, due to lackluster market. The imports were down by 33.13% in the month of December. Imports were decreased for all the major Countries exporting to Japan except Russia. Meanwhile, imports from Turkey and Sweden faced a huge reduction by 82.90% and 93.27% respectively.

In CY 2018, Turkey made a remarkable hike in its exports to Japan which accounted for 91.12%, followed by Sweden and India with a hike of 24.70% and 21.79% respectively.


Ferro Manganese: Country wise Indian Exports
Loading Country Dec-18 Nov-18 M-o-M(%) CY'18 CY'17 Y-o- Y(%)
South Africa 16,633 25,539 -34.87 338,064 291,867 15.83
Kazakhstan 18,658 27,457 -32.05 333,050 327,487 1.70
India 5,021 10,735 -53.23 80,161 65,820 21.79
Russia 3,881 2,119 83.15 33,187 31,413 5.65
Turkey 280 1,637 -82.90 9,109 4,766 91.12
Sweden 101 1,501 -93.27 7,486 6,003 24.70
Others 2415 1276 89.26 31,460 40,158 -21.66
Grand Total 46,988 70,263 -33.13 832,519 767,513 8.47


31 Jan 2019, 16:14 IST



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