Indian DRI, billet and re-bar update - 07 Jan
India's induction furnace (IF) steel market witnessed a mixed price trend today. Mills' offers varied by up to INR 500/tonne (t) compared to the previous trading session.
Sponge iron prices fluctuated in the range of INR 100-300/t. The sharpest drop of INR 300/t was seen in Ramgarh.
Billet prices varied in the range of INR 100-500/t, with the sharpest hike seen in the Raipur and Raigarh markets. Meanwhile, offers droppe by INR 500/t in Hindupur.
Rebar (Fe 500) offers varied in the range of INR 100-200/t, with the sharpest decrease of INR 200/t seen in the Mumbai market.
Overall, the market observed a seesaw price trend in both the semis and finished longs segments. Spot trades were moderate as major buying activity was not seen today. Transactions in most regions remained stable, with minimal changes witnessed in prices.
Click here for rebar brand-wise details
BigMint's price assessment (Region wise)