India: MSTC Postpones all Scheduled E-Auctions for Two Weeks
MSTC Ltd - a public sector enterprise has decided to postpone all the scheduled e-commerce services, e-Auction, E-Sale & e-procurement for the next two weeks, SteelMint learnt from its sources. As the nationwide lockdown announced by the Indian Govt. for the three weeks to contain coronavirus outbreak, company officials are not able to attend office, which has resulted in deferring scheduled e-auctions.
MSTC said in its notification that, they are trying to provide limited support with "work from home" which may not be sufficient to provide full support to their Principals, Bidders, Vendors & also for MSTC Admin users.
MSTC is one of the leading PSU entity engaged in providing e-commerce related services across diversified industry segment offering e-auction/e-sale, e-procurement services. MSTC conducts the iron ore e-auctions for Karnataka, OMC etc. Iron ore sales in Karnataka e-auctions are done completely through MSTC. Karnataka produced nearly 31 MnT iron ore in CY19.