India: Chowgule & Company Resumes Pellet Production in Goa
Chowgule and Company Private Limited (CCPL) is the flagship company of the Chowgule Group for mining and exports of iron ore in Goa. Over a period, the company has also expanded into shipbuilding, manufacturing of material handling equipment, and crane leasing. The company has set up three beneficiation plants near its mines at Goa to process the low-grade ore to a high-grade and also has a pelletization plant. The company has a pellet plant of 1.8 MnT pa capacity
According to market sources report to SteelMint, the company has resumed pellet production a couple of months back. However few sources mentioned that it's majorly used for conversion purpose.
They imported 55,000 MT iron ore (Fe 65.7%) from Brazil at around USD 115/MT, CNF India.
India has a pellet capacity of around 85 MnT with capacity utilization of about 78%.